Re Skincare

REQUIREMENT The team behind Re Skincare, deeply rooted in the historical landscapes of Palestine, recognized the untapped potential of the indigenous Cactus fruit seed oil. Their vision was to formulate a skincare range that not only celebrated this unique ingredient but also held its own on the global stage. They approached us with a challenge: to design a brand that transcended the regional identity and was seen as clinically effective in a market teeming with established competitors.

OUR ANSWER Steering clear of the traditional aesthetics often associated with regional brands, we ventured into a design language that echoed the universality and sophistication of luxury cosmetics. The minimalistic clean lines are reminiscent of clinical precision, while the integration of patterns and photography adds vibrancy and a hint of its rich origin. The use of typography seamlessly bridges the gap between modern appeal and timeless authenticity, positioning Re Skincare not just as a regional gem, but a global skincare sensation.

✓ Brand Naming
✓ Brand Identity & Strategy
✓ Packaging
✓ Photography
✓ Video Production