Edmonds Fashion

REQUIREMENT Edmonds Fashion, established in the heart of Palestine, has crafted a unique niche for itself in the fashion world. Passionate about homegrown talent and local production, this brand champions designs that are modern, fashion-forward, yet undeniably practical. Seeking to amplify their distinct voice in a market filled with international players, they approached us to design a brand image that aligns with their innovative and functional fashion sensibilities.

OUR ANSWER Moving beyond expected regional motifs, our design strategy for Edmonds Fashion emphasizes its global appeal and avant-garde aesthetics. Our visuals encapsulate the brand’s penchant for modern, forward-thinking designs while subtly nodding to their commitment to local production. The design palette, infused with minimalist yet bold elements, aligns seamlessly with the brand’s practical yet stylish offerings. The typography chosen harmoniously blends contemporary chic with straightforward functionality, presenting Edmonds Fashion as a beacon of innovative design from Palestine to the world.

✓ Brand Identity
✓ Photography